Am 16.11.2011 14:48, schrieb Eduardo Oliva:
> Hello, I have a py script that reads for all "m2ts" video files and convert 
> them to "mpeg" using ffmpeg with command line.
> What I want to do is:
>   I need my script to run 2 separated threads, and then when the first has 
> finished, starts the next one....but no more than 2 threads.
>   I know that Semaphores would help with that.
>   But the problem here is to know when the thread has finished its job, to 
> release the semaphore and start another thread.

I suggest a slight different approach: use a queue [1] and create two
worker threads that consume the queue. You don't need multiprocessing
because you are already using multiple processes here (one Python and
two ffmpeg processes).




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