On 11/07/2011 09:23 AM, Jaroslav Dobrek wrote:

in Python3, I often have this problem: I want to do something with
every line of a file. Like Python3, I presuppose that every line is
encoded in utf-8. If this isn't the case, I would like Python3 to do
something specific (like skipping the line, writing the line to
standard error, ...)

Like so:

except UnicodeDecodeError:

Yet, there is no place for this construction. If I simply do:

for line in f:

this will result in a UnicodeDecodeError if some line is not utf-8,
but I can't tell Python3 to stop:

This will not work:

for line in f:
     except UnicodeDecodeError:

because the UnicodeDecodeError is caused in the "for line in f"-part.

How can I catch such exceptions?

Note that recoding the file before opening it is not an option,
because often files contain many different strings in many different

A file with mixed encodings isn't a text file. So open it with 'rb' mode, and use read() on it. Find your own line-endings, since a given '\n' byte may or may not be a line-ending.

Once you've got something that looks like a line, explicitly decode it using utf-8. Some invalid lines will give an exception and some will not. But perhaps you've got some other gimmick to tell the encoding for each line.




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