Dao is the new generation programming system implemented by a functional logic solver, unifying code with data, grammar with program, logic with functional, compiling with running.
Would you please to have a look at my dao and dinpy? http://pypi.python.org/pypi/daot https://github.com/chaosim/dao The feature of dao and dinpy: * Mix functional and logic programming like prolog and lisp in python. * A most powerful parser is provided, which have the power all of the other parsers do not have. below is the list of some parser and algorithms: parsec(haskell), packrat, earley parser, glr parser, antlr, lex/yacc. What's the magic behind the dao? See samples\sexpression.py and testsexpression.py for a sample. this is the key tips to the dao's dynamic grammar, which will become a most powerful tool: (sexpression, function( # dynamic grammar arises! ([Result], and_p(char('{'), sexpression(Expr2), char('}'), setvalue(Result, eval_(pycall(sexpression2daoexpression, Expr2))))), ([Expr], atom_expression(Expr)), ([Expr], bracketExpression(Expr)), ([Expr], puncExpression(Expr))), # the kernel of dynamic grammar (eval_parse_result, function( ([Result], and_p(sexpression(Expr2), eoi, is_(Result, eval_(pycall(sexpression2daoexpression, Expr2))))))), -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list