Hi there.

Is there any way to run python web application (or simple web page in
web.py) on Windows with wamp without starting built-in wsgi server
manually (python run.py).
I know there's a documentation on http://webpy.org/install#apachemodwsgi,
but it doesn't show where exactly in httpd.conf I should place the

In my example I would like to get start page, simply by typing in my
browser e.g. http://localhost:8070, and my file is located in: c:/

source of run.py:
#!/usr/bin/env python
import web
urls = ('/', 'hello',
        '', 'hello')
class hello:
    def GET(self):
        return "Hello, world."
app = web.application(urls, globals())
if __name__ == "__main__": app.run()

Any help will be appreciated.
Wojciech Kaźmierczak

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