Try this out (Python 3.2.2 (default, Sep  5 2011, 04:52:19)):

global_variable = None
> (lambda *, keyword_only=global_variable: None)             # Works, as
> expected
> (lambda: (lambda argument=global_variable: None))()        # Works, as
> expected
> (lambda: (lambda *, keyword_only=global_variable: None))() # Fails???
> (lambda: (lambda argument=fake_variable: None))()          # Fails, as
> expected
> (lambda: (lambda *, keyword_only=fake_variable: None))()   # Fails???

Non-lambdas work as expected, but a lambda inside a non-lambda still
exhibits this behaviour.

When setting defaults to keyword-only arguments in lambdas which are inside
non-global scopes, cPython is unable to access the global scope and raises

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