On 11/01/2011 11:05 AM, Gnarlodious wrote:
I want to assign a list of variables:
locus=[-2, 21, -10, 2, 12, -11, 0, 3]
updating a list of objects each value to its respective instance:
for order in range(len(Orders)):
This works, even though it reads like doggerel. Is there a more
pythonesque way using map or comprehension?
-- Gnarlie
You can do that with the enumerate function, or with zip
for index, instance in enumerate(Orders):
instance.locus = locus[index]
for instance, place in zip(Orders, locus):
instance.locus = locus[index]
It would be clearer if you used singular for individual items, and
plural for the collections,
loci [-2, 21, ....
orders = [list of order objects ...]
for order, locus in zip(orders, loci):
order.locus = locus