On 10/27/2011 5:36 PM, Lee Harr wrote: > What message do you get when trying to download? It said something like "You're trying to download from a forbidden country. That's all we know." Anyway, I was able to get the files.
Once everything is set up, it seems to work. I haven't done any serious testing, but it opens and I can move the penguin and use the examples. BTW, you may want to look into py2exe or cx_Freeze to make Windows binaries. Also, the Python installer associates .py and .pyw files with python.exe and pythonw.exe respectively, so if you add the extension as Terry mentioned, it should work. -- CPython 3.2.2 | Windows NT 6.1.7601.17640 | Thunderbird 7.0 -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list