This was part of an earlier discussion in this forum.

I want to correct the impression created by Lawrence D'Oliveiro that those who 
implemented stacks were not designing for efficiency.

> What I can say is that for scientific/engineering calculations the RPN of
> KDF9 was Great because assembler was no harder than using algol60 for the
> calculations part of the problems I worked on.

Lawrence D'Oliveiro ldo at geek-central.gen.new_zealand 
  Mon Jun 22 03:52:55 CEST 2009
Unfortunately, we had to learn the hard way that machine instruction sets
must be designed for efficiency of execution, not ease of use by humans.
Stack-based architectures, for all their charm, cannot match register-based
ones in this regard.

FWIW: "Efficiency" is a slippery notion with contextual connotations.

KDF9 had two stacks in its CPU. (The SJNS and the Nesting Store or Nest - see 
Eric's thesis.)

I am not suggesting that you are ill-informed, but that stacks are 
insufficiently represented in the literature.

The use of call return stacks to support subroutine returns is almost universal.

For the evaluation of arithmetical expressions, the use of hardware stacks is 
the most efficient. From what I have read, it is compiler writers who find it 
hard to emulate the efficiencies achieved by assembler programmers. Are 
hardware designers considering the compiler writers' problems when they design 
their hardware? This would be heavy irony indeed. That is why stacks came into 
existence in the first place.



References:  discusses the confusion of 
first and second generation stack-based architectures. It includes a rebuttal 
of the arguments against stack computers, cited by Hennessy and Patterson, 
showing that they are applicable to the first generation of stack computers, 
but not the second.

Christopher Bailey's "Optimisation Techniques for Stack-Based Processors", PhD 
thesis, University of Teesside, UK, July 1996, Amongst other things, analyzes 
the use of stack buffers to reduce memory traffic.


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