A small software team (developers, leads and even the manager when he's 
had time) has been using (wx)Python/PostgreSQL for over 2 years and 
developed a successful 1.0 release of a client/server product.

A marketing/product manager has brought in additional management and 
"architecture" experts to propose moving the entire thing to a Java 
(application server) platform for the next release.  They want a 
"scalable, enterprise solution" (though they don't really know what that
means) and are going crazy throwing around the Java buzzwords (not to 
mention XML).

The developers (including myself) are growing uneasy; the management is 
continuing to push their requirements and ignore the engineers.  I think 
there's still hope, but I'm at a loss for ideas beyond pointing out the 
success stories of Python and Zope and language comparisons between 
Python and Java.

What experiences have those in the Python community had in these kinds 
of situations?

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