On Oct 15, 2:20 am, aaabb...@hotmail.com wrote:
> Test.py
> -----------
> #!/usr/bin/python
> from my_lib import my_function
> class MyClass(my_function): # usually class names start capital
>     """We know you're not forgetting to document."""
>     def __init__(self, name):
>         super(MyClass, self).__init__(name)
>         # self.name = name automatically added from base class
>     def test(self):
>         print "this is a test", self.name
>     def __call__(self, name):
>        # if you are subclassing something named my_function
>        # then other Python coders -might- expect the subclass
>        # to behave like a function.
>        print "Now this class acts like a function %s" % name
>        print "because it has a def __call__(self,...)."
>        return True   # not needed but because functions do stuff
> If __name__ == '__main__':
>     myclass_instance = MyClass('David') # confusing isn't it to subclass 
> something called my_function

> ================================================
> my_lib.py
> ---------
> class my_function(object):
>     """This class acts like a function."""
>     def __init__(self, name):
>         self.name = SpamSpamAndEggs(name)
>     def __call__(self):
>         # do stuff
>         return self.name.upper()
> ...
> -david

I editted your code to something closer to what is expected.
Not a law but just a recommendation.
Also defining a class my_function(..): --might-- be confusing to
others as in Python there are things called functions that look like

def my_function(name):
    print "Hi %s" % name

note the use of "def" and not "class"

Of course if you are making classes that represent custom application
"functions" verse Python "functions" then yeah, calling your class:

class MyFunction(object): ... makes sense

I included the __doc__ "You are documenting" stuff because you seem so
new. Otherwise when posting here they're not expected to be in these

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