Sorry for not being more clear.  I'm using Zope to store the hours of each library on the campus.  The hours of each library will be set on a basis of Monday - Friday. i.e. Monday for a specific library, let's say Downtown Campus Library will stored as an attribute of 8am - 9pm, in Zope, and each day till Friday will be stored as the hours dictate.  I'm generating a print-out based on these hours and info for the general public.  The goal of mine is to group all the libraries under one heading if they have the exact same hours, to cut back on redundancy when a user looks at it. 
So when I say:
collect = item.Monday + item.Tuesday + item.Wednesday + item.Thursday + item.Friday + item.Saturday + item.Sunday,  the order is already this preset configuration.  I want 'collect' to be static so it can compare it against another libraries hours and group it if necessary.  The libraries that fail to be duplicates of other libraries will be generated as usual under the grouped libraries.  They will have a single heading.

An example can be seen here of what I am trying to achieve:
These are the outputs I failed to mention last time.
What I want:
['8am - 9pm8am - 9pm8am - 9pm8am - 9pm8am - 5pm9am - 5pm6pm - 10pm', '8am - 9pm8am - 9pm8am - 9pm8am - 9pm8am - 5pm9am - 5pmClosed', '9am - 8pm9am - 8pm9am - 8pm9am - 8pm9am - 8pm9am - 6pm12pm - 6pm', '9am - 5pm9am - 5pm9am - 5pm9am - 5pm9am - 5pmClosedClosed', '10am - 5pm10am - 5pm10am - 5pm10am - 5pm10am - 5pm10am - 5pmClosed']

What I am getting now:

['8am - 9pm8am - 9pm8am - 9pm8am - 9pm8am - 5pm9am - 5pm6pm - 10pm', '8am - 9pm8am - 9pm8am - 9pmClosed8am - 5pm9am - 5pm6pm - 10pm', '8am - 9pm8am - 9pm8am - 9pm8am - 9pm8am - 5pm9am - 5pmClosed', '9am - 8pm9am - 8pm9am - 8pm9am - 8pm9am - 8pm9am - 6pm12pm - 6pm', '9am - 5pm9am - 5pm9am - 5pm9am - 5pm9am - 5pmClosedClosed', '10am - 5pm10am - 5pm10am - 5pm10am - 5pm10am - 5pm10am - 5pmClosed']


On 6/9/05, Chris Lambacher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
It is very unclear what you are trying to do.  Why not explain what
you want the output to be.  You will get better answers.

As a first stab at what you are doing wrong:
collect = item.Monday + item.Tuesday + item.Wednesday + item.Thursday
+ item.Friday + item.Saturday + item.Sunday

The above is string addition and the result is a string.  The ouput
you provide is in fact a list with no duplicates, i.e. there are no
two strings the same.

If order is not important to you a structure that will give you an
'unordered list with no duplicates' is a set (available in the std
library in Python 2.3 and 2.4, see the cookbook for recipies for
earlier versions of Python).  Note that sets are unordered, i.e. no
guarentee is made about what order the elements are accessed in when
you iterate over them.


On 6/9/05, Derek Perriero < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've been un-triumphantly trying to get a list of mine to have no repeats in
> it.   First, I'm pulling attributes from Zope and forming a list.  Next, I'm
>  pulling those same values and comparing them against the same list and if
> the values equal each other and are not already in the list, they append to
> my 'nodupes' list.  My current result is showing what I put in I am getting
> out.  Below the code is my output of 'nodupes' list.  Here's the snippet.
>  regHours  = context.getMainPrint();  <---attributes from Zope
>  libslist       = []
>  nodupes    = []
>  #collect libraries
>  for libs in regHours:
>    cache = libs.Monday + libs.Tuesday + libs.Wednesday + libs.Thursday +
> libs.Friday + libs.Saturday + libs.Sunday
>    libslist.append (cache)
>  #pull repeated values
>  for item in regHours:
>    collect = item.Monday + item.Tuesday + item.Wednesday + item.Thursday +
> item.Friday + item.Saturday + item.Sunday
>    libName = item.libraryName
>    for libs in libslist:
>      if collect == libs and libs not in nodupes:
>        nodupes.append(libs)
>  My Current Output:
>  ['8am - 9pm8am - 9pm8am - 9pm8am - 9pm8am - 5pm9am - 5pm6pm - 10pm', '8am -
> 9pm8am - 9pm8am - 9pmClosed8am - 5pm9am - 5pm6pm - 10pm', '8am - 9pm8am -
> 9pm8am - 9pm8am - 9pm8am - 5pm9am - 5pmClosed', '9am - 8pm9am - 8pm9am -
> 8pm9am - 8pm9am - 8pm9am - 6pm12pm - 6pm', '9am - 5pm9am - 5pm9am - 5pm9am -
> 5pm9am - 5pmClosedClosed', '10am - 5pm10am - 5pm10am - 5pm10am - 5pm10am -
> 5pm10am - 5pmClosed']
>  Thanks
> --
> Perriero, Derek
> --

Christopher Lambacher

Perriero, Derek

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