On Fri, Sep 30, 2011 at 11:31 PM, Jason Swails <jason.swa...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I'm probably missing something pretty obvious, but I was wondering if there
> was a way of executing an arbitrary line of code somehow (such as a line of
> code based on user-input).  There's the obvious use of "eval" that will
> evaluate a function call, but that doesn't allow all things.
> Because write is a function eval works fine for it.  But since print isn't
> (2.7), it throws a syntax error.  Likewise, variable assignments aren't
> allowed either as they are also not functions and lack a return value:

Use the `exec` statement, which is capable of executing statements (as
opposed to just expressions):

> What I'm more or less looking to do is present a (limited) form of an
> interpreter inside the application I'm writing for the advanced user.
> I'm also interested to hear if this is a particularly bad idea for any
> reason,

It's potentially rather hacky and ad-hoc to effectively directly
inject arbitrary statements at certain points in your code.

Assuming you were to trust the user-provided code, callbacks/hooks or
plugin modules are typically much cleaner ways to integrate custom
code from the user.

Depending on your particular use case, the `cmd` module might also be
a workable alternative:

> and if there are security issues involved with allowing users to
> execute their own code inside my program (keeping in mind that some people
> may "donate" their scripts to others that may run them as black boxes).

It is *very much* a security issue!

> Is
> it enough to disallow import statements, thereby not giving direct access to
> the sys and os modules?

Not by a long shot! There are a bunch of known tricks that exploit
introspection to circumvent such restrictions.
Secure execution of untrusted Python code is a difficult problem. Some
have accomplished it to a degree, but typically only by modifying the
interpreter itself or imposing relatively onerous restrictions on the
untrusted code.

> I know more or less what I want to do, but I'd also
> appreciate any experienced input/advice/suggestions.

I additionally came across this in researching my reply:
Apparently the speed of execution leaves something to be desired, but
the package /supposedly/ works well otherwise.


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