Robert Kern wrote:

> On 9/27/11 10:24 AM, Tal Einat wrote:
>> I don't work with SAS so I have no reason to invest any time developing
>> for it.
>> Also, as far as I can tell, SAS is far from free or open-source, meaning
>> I definitely am not interested in developing for it.
> I don't think he's suggesting that you drop what you are doing in Python
> and start working with SAS. He is suggesting that you look at the similar
> procedures that exist in the SAS standard library for inspiration.

Yeah, inspiration on what *not* to do.

I googled on "SAS PROC FREQ" and found this:

All the words are in English, but I have no idea what the function does, how
you would call it, and what it returns. Would it have been so hard to show
a couple of examples?

Documentation like that really makes me appreciate the sterling work done on
Python's docs.

This tutorial:

is much clearer.



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