On Sat, 10 Sep 2011 23:16:42 +0100, Rafael Durán Castañeda
<rafadurancastan...@gmail.com> wrote:
On 10/09/11 22:43, Gelonida N wrote:
I'm having a small question about optionparse.
Normaly optionparser will format the help text according to the
console's width.
I just wondered if there is any way to insert a line breakk into an
options help text.
from optparse import OptionParser
parser = OptionParser()
parser.add_option("-f", action="store",
help="This option is really really complicated"
" and I'd like to write"
" a few paragrpahs to explain how it works."
"\nHowever the line breaks are stripped off"
" and it's thus difficult to structure the help text")
args = ['-h']
Is there any trick to force a new paragraph/ line break before the word
Thanks in advance for suggestions.
You can use """ for multiple line texts:
>>> text = \
... """fsdfsfsdfsdf
... sfsdfsfsdf
... sdfsdf s
... """
>>> text
'fsdfsfsdfsdf\n sfsdfsfsdf\nsdfsdf s\n\n'
Unfortunately the help text is formatted using textwrap, which presumes
that the entire text is a single paragraph. To get paragraphs in the help
text, you'll need to write an IndentedHelpFormatter subclass that splits
the text on "\n\n", textwraps the split string individually, then re-joins
them. _format_text() and format_option() look like the methods that would
need replacing.
Rhodri James *-* Wildebeest Herder to the Masses