Hello friends,
                         How do we carry out the command "*cd ..*" in

My problem is :
I have a set of folders say m=1,2,3,4. In each of these folders, I have
subfolders with common name say m_5,m_6,m_7,m_8. In each of these subfolder,
there is a file which I have edit.
         2                                    3
          |                                      |

                                  1_5, 1_6, 1_7, 1_8               2_5 ,2_6,
2_7, 2_8           3_5, 3_6, 3_7, 3_8          4_5, 4_6, 4_7, 4_8

That is how I designed it

When I run my script, it follows the route 1 ---> 1_5-----> do the edit job
in the file. Now it need to change the  subfolder from 1_5 to 1_6, which is
not happening.

I created the folders using variable like m for folder taking values 1,2,3,4
and m_n for subfolders with n=5,6,7,8.

I am trying with os.chdir(path), but stuck with how to use m_n in it.

What I am missing at the moment is something that do the job "cd .." does.

Any help


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