Folks, I need some advice on a python web & database framework to use...?
I have handcrafted a sqllite3 python script, that is a basic web application, interfacing with a sqlite3 database... But I am concerned at the thought of handcrafting a administration interface, and so forth. Are there any recommendations on a python toolkit / framework that could help deal with the realities of this? The main issue is hand crafting all the forms and html web pages... I have done a little cheetah templating... So that might be a partial solution, but I'm concerned with someone trying to craft a malicious payload in the fields, and so forth... I have thought about an out of the box solution, for example, using a wordpress install for the front-end, but I haven't been able to think of a good way to bridge this gap. Would Zope be a good solution possibly? Any suggestions would be appreciated... - Ben