Twice in a couple of weeks, I have locked up my PC by running a Python 2.5 script that tries to create a list that is insanely too big.
In the first case, I (stupidly) did something like: mylist = [0]*12345678901234 After leaving the machine for THREE DAYS (!!!) I eventually was able to get to a console and kill the Python process. Amazingly, it never raised MemoryError in that time. The second time was a little less stupid, but not much: mylist = [] for x in itertools.combinations_with_replacement(some_big_list, 20): mylist.append(func(x)) After three hours, the desktop is still locked up. I'm waiting to see what happens in the morning before rebooting. Apart from "Then don't do that!", is there anything I can do to prevent this sort of thing in the future? Like instruct Python not to request more memory than my PC has? I am using Linux desktops; both incidents were with Python 2.5. Do newer versions of Python respond to this sort of situation more gracefully? -- Steven --