On 28/08/11 05:45, John O'Hagan wrote:
> Somewhat apropos of the recent "function principle" thread, I was recently 
> surprised by this:
> funcs=[]
> for n in range(3):
>     def f():
>         return n
>     funcs.append(f)
> [i() for i in funcs]
> The last expression, IMO surprisingly, is [2,2,2], not [0,1,2]. Google tells 
> me I'm not the only one surprised, but explains that it's because "n" in the 
> function "f" refers to whatever "n" is currently bound to, not what it was 
> bound to at definition time (if I've got that right), and that there are at 
> least two ways around it: either make a factory function:

This does not do what you'd like it to do. But let's assume that, it
did, that Python, when encountering a function definition inside a
function, "froze" the values of nonlocal variables used in the new
function, from the point of view of that function — that *might* be more
intuitive, at least in certain situations. However, what if you wanted a
closure to access a nonlocal variable that changes - acting differently
depending on what has since happened in the parent function.

That may not be as common, but it is a perfectly plausible situation,
and the hack required to support that behaviour in a Python that acts as
you had expected it to, a surrogate namespace using a class, list, or
dict, is infinitely more cryptic and ugly than the default-parametre hack.


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