Andrew Dalke wrote:

 > Christopher Subich wrote:
 >> My first requirement is raw speed; none of what I'm doing is 
processing-intensive, so Python itself shouldn't be a problem here.
 > There's raw speed and then there's raw speed.  Do you want to
 > display, say, a megacharacter/second?


 > Ahh, that's 400 bytes per second.  That's pretty slow.

Scrolling the text at any faster than a blur is counterproductive for 
the user, after all.  You're off by a decimal, though, an 80-column line 
at 20ms is 4kbytes/sec.  My guess is that any faster throughput than 
10kbytes/sec is getting amusing for a mud, which in theory intends for 
most of this text to be read anyway.

 > qtextedit has all of those.  See

That looks quite good, except that Trolltech doesn't yet have a GPL-qt 
for Win32.  I might take another look at it whenever qt4 comes out, but 
in the meantime (since I'm unfortunately developing on a win2k system) 
it's not useful.

 > Depending on what you want, curses talking to a terminal might be
 > a great fit.  That's how we did MUDs back in the old days.  :)

See the scrolling problem in the original post, as to why I can't use it 
as a temporary user interface. :)

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