Can anybody please give me a decent justification for this: class A(object): def __init__(self, a): self.a = a
def __eq__(self, other): return self.a == other.a s = A(3) t = A(3) >>> print s == t True >>> print s != t True I just spent a long, long time tracking down a bug in a program that results from this behaviour. Surely the != operator should, if no __ne__ method is present for either object, check to see if an __eq__ method is defined, and if so, return its negation? Actually, that brings me to a wider question - why does __ne__ exist at all? Surely its completely inconsistent and unnessecary to have seperate equals and not equals methods on an object? a != b should just be a short way of writing not (a == b). The fact the two can give a different answer seems to me to be utterly unintuitive and a massive pitfall for beginners (such as myself). --