Kenneth Miller wrote:
> Hello All,
>       I need a python module to do real time graphs so I chose Matplotlib. I 
> am trying to compile matplotlib at the moment and I have some problems, 
> well not really. It compiles fine, it's how it compiles that's the 
> problem. I am attempting to build it with the Tkinter backend as opposed 
> to the GTK+ backend. Whenever I build, install, and then try to import I 
> receive an error stating that my version of PyGTK needs to be updated. 
> Logically it shouldnt be looking for PyGTK if it is using the TKinter 
> backend? Any help would be appreciated.

A. You will get better help on the matplotlib mailing list.
B. Have you edited your .matplotlibrc to use the TkAgg backend?

Robert Kern

"In the fields of hell where the grass grows high
  Are the graves of dreams allowed to die."
   -- Richard Harter


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