In Python, three types of objects have special syntax and mechanics for their instantiation, during which a code object is generated: modules, classes, and functions. Each has its own role to play and the differences between them mostly reflect that. Here are some observations (based on default behavior):
Object creation relative to code object creation: (M) before (C) after (F) after Object creation relative to code object execution: (M) before (C) after (F) before Object available during code object execution: (M) no (C) no (F) no Code object destiny: (M) executed once at definition time, then discarded (C) executed once at definition time, then discarded (F) not executed at definition time, stored on the function object for execution with each __call__() invocation. Execution locals is available during code object execution: (M) as globals() (C) as locals() (F) as locals() Object namespace is execution locals of code object: (M) yes (C) more or less (F) completely distinct Unique syntax: (M) 'import' statement (C) 'class' statement (F) 'def' statement Mechanism triggered by respective syntax: (M) import machinery (import.c/importlib) (C) internal, but partially exposed via metaclasses and the __build_class__ builtin (F) internal, nothing exposed Override capability: (M) complete capability through builtin __import__ and PEP 302 import hooks (C) partial capability, before code object execution through metaclass __prepare__() and after through __build_class__() and metaclass __call__(), __new__(), and __init__() (F) no capability Post instantiation modification capability: (M) yes (C) yes (F) mostly (some attributes are read-only) Mechanism to instantiate outside of respective unique syntax: (M) imp.new_module(), types.ModuleType(), type(<module>)() (C) type() (F) types.FunctionType(), type(f)() Type extensibility: (M) Not relative to 'import' syntax (by default) (C) Complete (F) No Name available during definition execution: (M) as __name__ (C) only through metaclass __prepare__() (F) through inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name Name available on object as __name__: (M) yes (C) yes (F) yes Corrections, additions, and comment are welcome. -eric --