Hi folks,

I've created a simple method to grab files texts from directory by words
random, however I figure out that I need extract the content inside of each
file, in fact I believe  I have to create a parsing, nonetheless I don't
know how to create a parser.
Please some could share some tips to do it?
here is the code:

# -*- conding: utf-8 -*-

from subprocess import Popen, PIPE

pesquisa = raw_input(" Digite a pesquisa de interesse: ")

def Pesquisar(pesquisa):
    p = Popen(["search", pesquisa],stdout=PIPE)
    resultado = p.communicate()[0]
    return resultado

print Pesquisar(pesquisa)

*" A Vida é arte do Saber...Quem quiser saber tem que Estudar!"*


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