Hi all, on behalf of the IPython development team, I'm thrilled to announce, after more than two years of development work, the official release of IPython 0.11.
This release brings a long list of improvements and new features (along with hopefully few new bugs). We have completely refactored IPython, making it a much more friendly project to participate in by having better separated and organized internals. We hope you will not only use the new tools and libraries, but also join us with new ideas and development. After this very long development effort, we hope to make a few stabilization releases at a quicker pace, where we iron out the kinks in the new APIs and complete some remaining internal cleanup work. We will then make a (long awaited) IPython 1.0 release with these stable APIs. *Downloads* Download links and instructions are at: http://ipython.org/download.html And IPython is also on PyPI: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/ipython Those contain a built version of the HTML docs; if you want pure source downloads with no docs, those are available on github: Tarball: https://github.com/ipython/ipython/tarball/rel-0.11 Zipball: https://github.com/ipython/ipython/zipball/rel-0.11 * Features * Here is a quick listing of the major new features: - Standalone Qt console - High-level parallel computing with ZeroMQ - New model for GUI/plotting support in the terminal - A two-process architecture - Fully refactored internal project structure - Vim integration - Integration into Microsoft Visual Studio - Improved unicode support - Python 3 support - New profile model - SQLite storage for history - New configuration system - Pasting of code with prompts And many more... We closed over 500 tickets, merged over 200 pull requests, and more than 60 people contributed over 2200 commits for the final release. Please see our release notes for the full details on everything about this release: https://github.com/ipython/ipython/zipball/rel-0.11 * Resources * You can see a talk about this release that was presented at the Scipy 2011 conference: http://www.archive.org/details/Wednesday-203-6- IpythonANewArchitectureForInteractiveAndParallel For reference, the slides that go along with it are here: http://fperez.org/talks/1107_ipython_scipy.pdf And there's an excellent blog post, written by Chris Fonnesbeck, providing a visual tour of our new features: http://stronginference.com/weblog/2011/7/15/innovations-in-ipython.html As usual, if you find any problem, please file a ticket --or even better, a pull request fixing it-- on our github issues site (https://github.com/ipython/ipython/issues/). Many thanks to all who contributed! Fernando, on behalf of the IPython development team. http://ipython.org -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list