Andrew Berg wrote: >>>>> os.path.exists(path, ignoreSymLnks=False) > I actually agree with you on these, which I suppose is interesting.
Guido has a rule of thumb: "No constant arguments". Or another way to put it: if a function takes an argument which is nearly always a constant (usually, but not always, a flag) then it is usually better off as two functions. Especially if the implementation looks like this: def get_thing(argument, flag): if flag: return one_thing(argument) else: return another_thing(argument) Argument flags which do nothing but change the behaviour of the function from Mode 1 to Mode 2 are an attractive nuisance: they seem like a good idea, but aren't. Consider it a strong guideline rather than a law, but it's one I would think very long and hard about before violating. But having said that, I'm currently writing a library where nearly all the functions violate the No Constant Argument rule. (The API isn't yet stable, so I may still change my mind.) Make of that what you will. -- Steven --