* Alexander Kapps <alex.ka...@web.de> [2011-07-29 22:30]:
> On 29.07.2011 21:30, Carl Banks wrote:
>> It's not even fullproof on Unix.
>> '/home//h1122/bin///ghi/'.split('/')
>> ['','home','','bin','','','ghi','']
what about this?                                                                
>>> ' '.join('/home//h1122/bin///ghi/'.split('/')).split()                      
['home', 'h1122', 'bin', 'ghi']                                                 
>> Carl Banks
> This would also be fixed with normpath() as Dennis Lee Bieber suggested. 
> And my solution with list comprehensions handles this too.
> Still, there might be other path oddities which would break here. I  
> think, that something like a split_all() function should be available in 
> the stdlib, no?
> Actually, it isn't the first time, where I wonder why os.path.split() 
> doesn't do this already. I mean, str.split() doesn't only split on the 
> first part, right?
> -- 
> http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list

Michael Poeltl
Computational Materials Physics      voice: +43-1-4277-51409
Univ. Wien, Sensengasse 8/12         fax:   +43-1-4277-9514 (or 9513) 
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