"Christopher J. Bottaro" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb im
Newsbeitrag news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
| Hi,
| Why is there no support for explicit transactions in the DB API?  I mean
| like transaction() to start the trans and commit() and rollback() would
| the trans or something.
| The reason why I ask is because I wrote a daemon that interacts with a
| Postgres DB.  The value of CURRENT_TIMESTAMP according to Postgres is NOT
| the actual walltime, but the walltime when the current transaction
| This gets weird when using the Python DB API to interact with Postgres
| because a transaction gets started in 3 places:  connection, commit,
| rollback.
| So consider the daemon:
| [pseudo code]
| connect # begin trans at 12:00
| sleep waiting # lets say 15 mins
| wake up
| put entry in db using CURRENT_TIMESTAMP # oops
| [/code]
| Oops, the CURRENT_TIMESTAMP evaluates to 12:00, not 12:15.
| Now I know there are ways around this...
| 1)  In Postgres, you can get the walltime and cast it to a timestamp.
| 2)  In Python, you can just do an empty commit in order to "manually"
| a new transaction.
| I just think its a bit weird because this bit me in the butt for quite a
| while and this didn't happen when doing the same thing in other langs.
| Anyone have any opinions on this?

The described behavior seems to be totally in synch with expectations

(both in accordance with PostgreSQL docs and the DB-API.)

These "other languages" *must* be doing something wrong! ;)

( Auto-commit set to "on" perhaps? )



Vincent Wehren



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