On 7/27/2011 12:53 PM, Jerry Hill wrote:
On Wed, Jul 27, 2011 at 3:34 PM, W. eWatson<wolftra...@invalid.com> wrote:
On 7/27/2011 9:48 AM, Jerry Hill wrote:
So, you don't have an idle.py or idle.pyw in C:\Python26\Lib\idlelib\
(or where ever you installed python)? If not, it sounds to me like
your python installation is screwed up. I would re-install.
Yes, I have both. Neither shows anything on the monitor when I double click
Oh, I guess I misunderstood. Go ahead and open that cmd.exe window
back up. Please run the following and report back the results. In
the cmd.exe window run:
assoc .py
assoc .pyw
ftype Python.File
ftype Python.NoConFile
Python.File="C:\Python25\python.exe" "%1" %*
Python.File="C:\Python25\python.exe" "%1" %*
Python.NoConFile="C:\Python25\pythonw.exe" "%1" %*
Those four commands should show us how the python file associations
are set up on your computer.
Then, let's try to run idle and capture whatever error message is
popping up. I don't think you've mentioned what version of python you
have installed. The following is for 2.6, since that's what I have
installed here, but it should work on any other version if you swap in
your installation directory for the 2.6 one below. Still in your
cmd.exe window, run the following:
c:\Python26\python.exe C:\Python26\Lib\idlelib\idle.py
I cannot copy from the cmd window. It ends with [errorno 13] Permission
denied to c:||Users\\Wayne\\idlerc\\recent-files.lst'
recent-files.lst !!! weird
If you get an exception, please copy and paste the details for us. If
that works and opens idle, please try running this:
Based on the behavior you've described so far, that ought to fail, and
hopefully give some sort of message or exception for us to diagnose.
PS: If you're just trying to get things working, and don't care what
might be wrong, I would recommend just re-installing python. That
ought to clean up all the file associations and set things up properly
for you. That's likely the quickest way to just get things working.
Yep, I'm thinking about it.