On Jul 25, 8:18 pm, Ned Deily <n...@acm.org> wrote:
> In article <j0l14e$cu...@dough.gmane.org>, Robert <sigz...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > Is it possible to install the 2 and 3 series side by side?
> Probably.  On Mac OS X, t's certainly possible to install any python.org
> versions side by side, even multiple versions of 2 and 3.  That's one of
> the advantages of the Python framework build layout on OS X, which is
> used by both the python.org installers and, I believe, the ActiveState
> installers.
> http://www.python.org/download/
> --
>  Ned Deily,
>  n...@acm.org

When you do, you might also want to look at PEP 394:

It can simplify writing scripts which select the version you want.

John Roth

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