Billy Mays wrote:
On 07/25/2011 10:16 AM, Archard Lias wrote:
On Jul 25, 2:03 pm, Ian Collins<>  wrote:
On 07/26/11 12:00 AM, Archard Lias wrote:
Still I dont get how I am supposed to understand the pipe and its task/
idea/influece on control flow, of:
return<statement>    |<statement>

It's simply a bitwise OR.

Yes, but how does it get determined, which one actually gets returned?

The return statement returns a single value from a function context. The pipe operator takes 2 values and bitwise ORs* them together. That result is then returned to the caller.

Just for completeness, if the actual line had been

return <statement1> or <statement2>

then Python would compute <statement1>, and if its boolean value was True would return the computation of <statement1>, otherwise it would compute <statement2> and return that. When 'or' is used, the first truthy* item is return, or the last falsey* item if none evaluate to True.

--> None or 2 or 0
--> None or 2 or 3
--> None or [] or 0

With 'and', the first falsey item is returned, unless all the items are truthy in which case the last item is returned:

--> 2 and 3
--> 2 and 0 and 9

Hope this helps.


* 'truthy' = bool(some expression or object) == True
* 'falsey' = bool(some expression or object) == False

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