Am 25.07.11 02:11, schrieb Saul Spatz: > In tcl/tk an Entry widget can be set to validate its contents with the > validate option. You have to give it a validatecommand (vcmd), which is a > tcl script that runs when some action triggers validation. Usually, the > script would use "percent substitutions" so the script would be something > like {ValidInt %P} where %P is the value of the widget should the proposed > change occur. > > Can one do something like this in tkinter? I've verified that with > > e = Entry(master, validate = 'all', vcmd = validInt) > > the validInt function is called, but it isn't passed any parameters. I can't > find that e has any attribute corresponding to the %P value above. > > Is it not possible to do this in tkinter, or have I overlooked something?
Hi, i think you can find the answer using the following link: Wolfgang --