On 22/07/11 00:13, victor lucio wrote:
> Hi All,
> I'd like to embbed a thin python in one application of mine i'm
> developing so I need to know the module dependencies because I'm going
> to remove some modules.
> I also need to know the best way to rebuild the python core once these
> modules have been removed.
> So, could you provide me some pointers in the right direction?
> Thanks in advance...

Well, get the source from www.python.org. There's a README in the source
tree that will tell you how to build.
If you're using Windows, you'll need Visual Studio 2008. The free
Express Edition of Visual C++ will do.

As for modules: you (should) know which modules your application uses. A
trial-and-error approach should get you to a bare minimum quickly. (You
know, remove everything you don't know is needed, try it out, put back
modules you're missing, repeat)


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