Excerpts from Phlip's message of Wed Jul 20 16:58:08 -0400 2011:
> On Jul 20, 10:32am, rantingrick <rantingr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Steven, you have no buisness offering advice on Tkinter since you
> > yourself have proclaimed that YOU NEVER used the module and never
> > will. Stick to what you know please.
> Allow me.
> Tkinter sucks because it looks like an enfeebled Motif 1980s dawn-of-
> GUIs scratchy window with grooves and lines everywhere.

Themed Tk (TTK) has come a far way. I'll leave the research for you, however,
as I can not give this post the time it deserves.

Corey Richardson
  "Those who deny freedom to others, deserve it not for themselves"
     -- Abraham Lincoln

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