On 07/19/2011 01:02 PM, Terry Reedy wrote:

You did not answer Ben's question about the allowed values of self.tok
and whether you really want to clobber all 'false' values. The proper
code depends on that answer.

NULL is an enumerated value I have defined above. The idea is for
peekToken to reuse getToken, but to keep the token still around.

I think about reversing and have getToken use peekToken and then reset.
But that depends on the exact logic which depends on the specs. I would
more likely have just one function with a reset parameter defaulted to
the more common value.

self.gen is a generator that gets filters single characters from a file. Values that come from self.gen.next() will always be string values since the file generator closes on EOF. I can be sure that I will either get a string from self.gen.next() or catch an exception so its okay to use NULL (which evaluates to 0).

You are correct it makes more sense to use peekToken() to do the lifting and getToken() to reuse the token. However, I am not sure what you mean by reset.


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