with global:

 SERVER = None

A the end of Argparse declarations:


Then declare the action functions:

def do_the_check(namespace_args):
    if not SERVER:
        SERVER = Server(namespace_arg.type_of_server)

def do_the_build(namespace_args):
    if not SERVER:
        SERVER = Server(namespace_arg.type_of_server)

If I correctly understood your issue.


On 07/18/2011 03:48 AM, Victor Hooi wrote:

I have a simple Python script to perform operations on various types on 
in-house servers:

manage_servers.py<operation>  <type_of_server>

Operations are things like check, build, deploy, configure, verify etc.

Types of server are just different types of inhouse servers we use.

We have a generic server class, then specific types that inherit from that:

class Server
     def configure_logging(self, loggin_file):
     def check(self):
     def deploy(self):
     def configure(self):
     def __init__(self, hostname):
         self.hostname = hostname
         logging = self.configure_logging(LOG_FILENAME)
class SpamServer(Server):
     def check(self):
class HamServer(Server):
     def deploy(self):

My question is how to link that all up to argparse?

Originally, I was using argparse subparses for the operations (check, build, 
deploy) and another argument for the type.

subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(help='The operation that you want to run on 
the server.')
parser_check = subparsers.add_parser('check', help='Check that the server has 
been setup correctly.')
parser_build = subparsers.add_parser('build', help='Download and build a copy 
of the execution stack.')
parser_build.add_argument('-r', '--revision', help='SVN revision to build 
parser.add_argument('type_of_server', action='store', choices=types_of_servers,
                     help='The type of server you wish to create.')

Normally, you'd link each subparse to a method - and then pass in the 
type_of_server as an argument. However, that's slightly backwards due to the 
classes- I need to create an instance of the appropriate Server class, then 
call the operation method inside of that.

Any ideas of how I could achieve the above? Perhaps a different design pattern 
for Servers? Or a way to use argparse in this situation?



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