On 01/-10/-28163 02:59 PM, rantingrick wrote:
On Jul 16, 5:34 pm, Fabio Zadrozny<fabi...@gmail.com>  wrote:

I also like the idea of override annotations and I've created a blog
post at:http://pydev.blogspot.com/2011/06/overrideimplements-templates-on-pyd...
to explain how I do use it (and in a way that I think should be
standard in Python the same way it's in Java).
My hat is off to you Fabio! This is a great way to have the method
clobbering stand out. I can read this code and know EXACTLY what is
going on behind the scenes! And it also has the benefit of being very
compact as apposed to a doc-string.

> From Fabio's blog verbatim:

class A(object):
     def method(self):

class B(A):

     def method(self):

     def write(self):

Just one small change. Change those @ signs to #, and you've got a deal. Then make a minor change to pylint, and you have a way to enforce it.




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