On Jul 14, 8:21 pm, Inside <fancheyuj...@gmail.com> wrote:
> As telling in the subject,because "list" and "tuple" aren't functions,they 
> are types.Is that right?

You wanna see some warts in the docs. Okay, try to use the search box
to find list, dict, or tuple and see what happens...


Search: [ list ]

PyFloat_ClearFreeList (cfunction, in Floating Point Objects)
PyInt_ClearFreeList (cfunction, in Plain Integer Objects)
PyListObject (ctype, in List Objects)
PyList_Append (cfunction, in List Objects)
PyList_AsTuple (cfunction, in List Objects)
PyList_Check (cfunction, in List Objects)
PyList_CheckExact (cfunction, in List Objects)
PyList_GET_ITEM (cfunction, in List Objects)
PyList_GET_SIZE (cfunction, in List Objects)
PyList_GetItem (cfunction, in List Objects)
PyList_GetSlice (cfunction, in List Objects)
PyList_Insert (cfunction, in List Objects)
PyList_New (cfunction, in List Objects)
PyList_Reverse (cfunction, in List Objects)
PyList_SET_ITEM (cfunction, in List Objects)
PyList_SetItem (cfunction, in List Objects)
PyList_SetSlice (cfunction, in List Objects)
PyList_Size (cfunction, in List Objects)
PyList_Sort (cfunction, in List Objects)
PyList_Type (cvar, in List Objects)
PyMethod_ClearFreeList (cfunction, in Method Objects)

[ snip: mile long list with no LIST info to be found! ]

Hey don't get me wrong, the python docs are great; as long as you know
where to find what you're looking for.


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