On 2005-06-06, Jan Danielsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Erik Max Francis wrote:
>>>    Is there any way to create a file with a specified size?
>> What do you want to put in the file?  Once you've answered that
>> question, the solution should present itself.
> Check blocks from an FEC-encoder (Freenet, more specifically).
>    The problem is that the design I'm working on won't guarantee what
> order the blocks will be returned in -- so I need to be able to seek to
> block n's location and write the ckeck block.

Exactly.  And precisely how did that fail?

> Next block could be m, where m < n. So, they aren't continous.

If you do a seek before each write, it doesn't matter.

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow!  I'm also against
                                  at               BODY-SURFING!!

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