On Tuesday, July 12, 2011 9:40:23 AM UTC-7, John Keisling wrote:
> After too much time coding Python scripts and reading Mark Lutz's
> Python books, I was inspired to write the following lyrics. For those
> too young to remember, the tune is that of "Pinball Wizard," by The
> Who. May it bring you as much joy as it brought me!
> I cut my teeth on BASIC
> At scripting I'm no pawn
> From C++ to Java
> My code goes on and on
> But I ain't seen nothing like this
> In any place I've gone
> That modeling and sim guy
> Sure codes some mean Python!

That's pretty funny.  I knew what it would be even when I saw the cut-off 
subject line, and I am too young to remember it.

Carl Banks

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