Greetings everyone; Fresh High School graduate here with a passion for problem solving. My last 2 years of HS I took programming courses (actually fairly good ones; yay for good tech departments) that showed me
QuickBasic VisualBasic C++ Java (in that order) A friend of mine often talked about how nice Python was and being an xkcd fan, i saw Python come up alot in the jokes. Python's awesome; I see limitless possibilities in a very easy to understand and use language that as xkcd put it "Programmings fun again!" My problem is this though... I don't know what to do with this new found knowledge of these languages. I'm a linux user so availability of development tools is haaaaaaardly a problem. But I just don't know what to do with it, I don't have any problems that need to be solved and unfortunately I'm not familar enough with the languages (except maybe c++) to help out the big projects like KDE / Gnome. I realize this is the python mailing list and that I brought up some non-python languages but I'm sure my situation is hardly new for those looking to get into programming but having no idea of where to begin. Any feedback is much appreciated! -Eric- --