On Mon, Jul 11, 2011 at 3:15 AM, rantingrick <rantingr...@gmail.com> wrote:
>  I suggest we solve this dilemma by forcing a syntax "tag" when
> declaring clobbering virtual functions.
Python has other dilemmas, too. I suggest we adopt the same solution.
For instance, every statement should begin with a marker, so that we
know it isn't a comment; every variable name should be adorned, so
that we know it's not a keyword like 'if'; and every decimal integer
should begin with "0d" so that we know it isn't hex. Plus, we should
get rid of binary operators with their messy precedence tables;
everything should become function calls.

<STMT> $assign($x,$add(0d5,0d7)) </STMT> # assigns 12 (decimal) to x

This would make Python far less ambiguous. We should proceed with this
right away.


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