On 2005-06-06, Terry Reedy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> OT but I am curious: does a metallic case act as a metallic shield,

It depends on the metal and the case thickness.  Thin
sheet-aluminum provides virtually no magnetic shielding.  Some
good thick iron plate will provide shielding.

> so that the case needs to be opened to do this?


> (Conversely, is a magnet near a disk drive a danger to it?)

Yes, if it's strong enough.

>> wiped everything, including control tracks, and played <bleep>
>> with the R/W head and positioning magnets.
> I take this to mean the the drive is non-functional and might
> have well been melted, except that demagnetising is cheaper.


Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow!  Why are these
                                  at               athletic shoe salesmen
                               visi.com            following me??

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