Phlip <> writes: > On Jul 9, 7:39 pm, mark curphey <> wrote: > > > Thanks. FWIW I played with a bunch (Freshen, Morelia, Lettuce....) > > Morelia is "undermaintained" because it's finished. It attaches to any > pre-existing TestCase-style test runner, hence there's nothing to > maintain!
It looks good! But it's not yet in Debian :-( I've filed bug report #633411 <URL:> to call for an interested Python programmer to package it for Debian. -- \ “That's the essence of science: Ask an impertinent question, | `\ and you're on the way to the pertinent answer.” —Jacob | _o__) Boronowski, _The Ascent of Man_, 1976 | Ben Finney --