On Mon, Jun 06, 2005 at 06:08:36PM -0000, max wrote:
> I guess my argument is that with multiple contributors, the gpl, in 
> comparison to say, a BSD style license, grants power to the code. If 3 
> people work on a gpl project, they must agree to any changes. If 3 
> people work on a BSD style project, they each can do whatever the hell 
> they like with the code. So, in my opinion, the gpl ends up giving 
> perhaps not rights, but certainly power, to the actual code base.
Well, but it's not comparable: GPL without copyright assignment just
leads to "community-owned" projects. Every part-owner owns his
part. And it makes relicensing (taking the project closed-source) very

That's a design feature, not a bug ;)


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