Grooooops wrote:
> The code just seems kind of bulky to me. I am wondering, is this an
> efficient way to do things, or am I making things harder than
> necessary?

Harder than necessary. 
contains() is not needed at all, you can test for 'b in alist' directly. 
List comprehensions simplify reinterpolate(), and you have a lot of redundant 
calls to list().

Here is a shorter version:

"""scrambles a word, but creates plausable gibberish"""
import random
def shuffled(s):
    """ scrambles word"""
    l = list(s)
    return ''.join(l)

def newZip(a1,a2):
    """ reassemble """

    longest, shortest = [[a1,a2], [a2,a1]][l1<l2]
    diff = max(l1,l2)-min(l1,l2)
    seq = len(longest)
    ret = ""
    for j in range(seq):
        if len(longest)>0:
            ret += longest.pop()
        if len(shortest)>0:
            ret += shortest.pop()
    return ret

def reinterpolate(word):
    """ main function """
    wlist = shuffled(word)
    vlist = 'aeiouy' # ok, y isn't really a vowel, but...
    vees = [ x for x in wlist if x in vlist ]
    cons = [ x for x in wlist if x not in vlist ]
    return newZip(vees,cons)

word = "encyclopedia"
print reinterpolate(word)

> #--------------------------begin code------------------
> """scrambles a word, but creates plausable gibberish"""
> import random
> def shuffled(s):
>         """ scrambles word"""
>       l = list(s)
>       random.shuffle(l)
>       return ''.join(l)
> def contains(alist,b):
>         """ letter b in list a..."""
>       ret = []
>       for all in alist:
>               #print all
>               if all==b:
>                       return 1
>       return 0
> def newZip(a1,a2):
>         """ reassemble """
>       l1=len(a1)
>       l2=len(a2)
>       longest = [a1,a2][l1<l2]
>       shortest = [a1,a2][longest == a1]
>       diff = max(l1,l2)-min(l1,l2)
>       #print longest
>       seq = len(longest)
>       ret = ""
>       for j in range(seq):
>               if len(longest)>0:
>                       ret = ret + longest.pop()
>               if len(shortest)>0:
>                       ret = ret + shortest.pop()
>       return ret
> def reinterpolate(word):
>         """ main function """
>       wlist = shuffled(list(word))
>       vlist = list('aeiouy') # ok, y isn't really a vowel, but...
>       vees = filter(lambda x: contains(vlist,x),wlist)
>       cons =  filter(lambda x: not(contains(vlist,x)),wlist)
>       a=list(vees)
>       b=list(cons)
>       return newZip(a,b)
> word = "encyclopedia"
> print reinterpolate(word)
> #-------------------------------end code---------------------------

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