Am 06.07.2011 11:02, schrieb Gnarlodious:
> Using introspection, is there a way to get a list of "property
> getters"?
> Does this:
> vars=property(getVars(), "Dump a string of variables and values")
> have some parsable feature that makes it different from other
> functions? Or would I need to use some naming scheme to parse them
> out?

dir() won't help you much here. The inspect module has several tools to
make inspection easier.

>>> import inspect
>>> class Example(object):
...     @property
...     def method(self):
...         return 1
>>> inspect.getmembers(Example, inspect.isdatadescriptor)
[('__weakref__', <attribute '__weakref__' of 'Example' objects>),
('method', <property object at 0xec0520>)]

inspect.getmembers() with isdatadescriptor predicate works only on
classes, not on instances.

>>> inspect.getmembers(Example(), inspect.isdatadescriptor)

Property instances have the attributes fget, fset and fdel that refer to
their getter, setter and delete method.

>>> for name, obj in inspect.getmembers(Example, inspect.isdatadescriptor):
...     if isinstance(obj, property):
...         print name, obj, obj.fget
method <property object at 0xec0520> <function method at 0xec1a28>



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