On 01/07/2011 01:19, Siboniso Shangase wrote:
i m very new to python and i need hepl plz!!

i want to type this data in a text file it the same the diffrence is
the number that only increase and i canot write this up myself since
it up to 5000 samples

Data\ja1.wav Data\ja1.mfc
Data\ja2.wav Data\ja2.mfc
Data\ja3.wav Data\ja3.mfc
Data\ja4.wav Data\ja4.mfc
Data\ja(n).wav Data\ja(n).mfc

Data\ma1.wav Data\ma1.mfc
Data\ma2.wav Data\ma2.mfc
Data\ma3.wav Data\ma3.mfc
Data\ma4.wav Data\ma4.mfc
Data\ma(n).wav Data\ma(n).mfc

This should give you a start:

path_of_samples_file = "samples.txt"

with open(path_of_samples_file, "w") as samples_file:
    for index in range(1, 101):
samples_file.write("Data\\ja{0}.wav Data\\ja{0}.mfc\n".format(index))

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