On 6/2/2011 5:11 AM, hisan wrote:
Please let me know how can i import my sql data of multiple rows and
columns into an excel sheet.
here i need to adjust the column width based on the on the data that
sits into the column

   You're asking in the wrong forum.  Try the MySQL forum or an
Excel forum.

   For a one-off job, use the MySQL Workbench, do a SELECT, click on
the floppy disk icon, and export a CSV (comma-separated value) file, which Excel will import.

   It's possible to link Excel directly to an SQL database; see
the Excel documentation.

   On a server, you can SELECT ... INTO OUTFILE and get a CSV file
that way, but the file is created on the machine where the database
is running, not the client machine.

   You can write a Python program to SELECT from the database and
use the CSV module to create a CSV file, but as a one-off, it's
not necessary.

                                        John Nagle

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