Hi list,

yesterday I released a new version  of "osaic", a Python library which enables 
users to create photo mosaics in a very simple way. Once installed, a bare 
``python -mosaic IMG1 IMG2 IMG3 ..`` is enough to create and show on screen a 
mosaic where IMG2, IMG3 and others are combined together to mimic IMG1.

The module is available for download on bitbucket [1] and PyPI [2]; on both you 
can find a README page where is explained the structure of the module and how 
users are supposed to work with it.

I don’t want anyone of you to debug and spot bugs here and there all around the 
source code, unless you are really interested in it :P. Instead, I’m here 
looking for some feedback, suggestions or comments. I would really appreciate 
your advices.

Thank you so much.


[1] http://bitbucket.org/iamFIREcracker/osaic 
[2] http://pypi.python.org/pypi/osaic/2.0.0

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