On Sun, 19 Jun 2011 23:06:36 +0200, Vito 'ZeD' De Tullio wrote: > well, in python3 you can use dict to format strings > >>>> print("%(a)s" % {'a':'b'}) > b
It's not just Python 3. That bit of functionality goes back all the way to Python 1.5, which is the oldest version I have installed. In Python 2.6 on up, you can also use the new format() method on strings: >>> '{a}'.format(a='spam') 'spam' > and you can achieve php interpolation via locals() > >>>> a = 'b' >>>> print("%(a)s" % locals()) > b You can do that, but when reading code I consider any direct use of locals() (and globals() for that matter) to be a code smell: not necessarily wrong in and of itself, but unusual and suspicious enough to be worth a second, careful, look. As such, I would want to think long and hard before inflicting it on others by using it myself. For those unfamiliar with the idea of code smells: http://www.joelonsoftware.com/articles/Wrong.html -- Steven -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list